

809 Uppsatser om Dependent stakeholder - Sida 1 av 54

För vem redovisar i första hand hjälporganisationer?

The purpose of this essay was to identify the primary stakeholder in aid organisations, by which we mean whom they make their annual report for, and to analyse if there were any differences considering the design of their annual reports depending on which their primary stakeholder is. The method we used to explain the choice of primary stakeholder and the differences in the annual reports was a multiple case study. The collected data came from telephone interviews with 23 representatives from aid organisations and a review of annual reports. The results were analysed through pattern matching. We found that aid organisations do not have a primary stakeholder as in incorporated organisations.

Chachaklum, a viable initiative? : a stakeholder management approach towards a community enterprise

Due to poorly functioning local and regional markets, the smallholders in San Francisco, Petén, were dependent on intermediaries that took advantage of the smallholder?s distance to markets. In an attempt to secure income and strengthen their bargaining position, 189 smallholders joined forces through the creation of a social smallholder network, held together by a community based enterprise. This enterprise was initiated in 2011 with the help of government incentive programmes and NGOs that within a few years will leave the enterprise to auto regime. This study treats the sustainability of a community forest based enterprise, Chachaklum, in northern Guatemala. The study identifies factors that enable smallholders to organize themselves in order to obtain business practices that support an improved standard of living.

Stakeholderperspektivet och utestängandet av det politiska: Om stakeholderperspektivets begränsade möjligheter att förändra miljöpolitiken

In contemporary global environmental governance stakeholding, as a means for defining legitimate participants in democratic decision-making, has become of great importance. In this essay I deploy the concept of ?the stakeholder perspective? to denote arguments that all stakeholders ? defined as carriers of particular interests ? should be able to participate in political decision-making affecting their interests. The purpose of the essay is to analyze the stakeholder perspective's potential to change environmental politics. Departing from the philosophy of Heidegger, I develop a theoretical approach that separate the concept of the political from that of politics.

Svalövs flyktingenhets arbete för nyanlända invandrare - en utvärdering med brukar- och intressentfokus

The following report is a constructive responsive evaluation of Svalövs communes unit for newly arrived refugees based on a qualitative user- and stakeholder model. The main purpose is to evaluate the units? quality from a user and stakeholder perspective. The main findings are that the users and stakeholders are satisfied with the quality of the units? services but request further social and structural participation.

Aktörsanalys i interorganisatoriska samarbeten

Andelen äldre invånare i Sverige har ökat stadigt sedan 1950-talet. Trygg Hemmakonsortiet arbetar med att utveckla nya sätt att ta hand om de äldre. Deras vision är attskapa ett intelligent hem som kan stödja de äldre i sitt kvarboende. Konsortiet består inuläget av elva företag och ett antal organisationer i Halmstad. Syftet med vårexamensarbete är att utreda hur Stakeholder Theory kan appliceras på ett konsortiumunder utveckling.

Challenges and Opportunities in Swedish Apiculture

Bees are of importance for the global food security. In Europe 84% and in the World 35% of all the agricultural crops are dependent of animal pollination (Winfree et al., 2011:1). In agricultural production there is a huge lack of pollinators (Azien & Harden, 2009). A problem that is widely spread. In Sweden the problem becomes clear when looking at the statistics of the number of bee colonies during the last 20 years, where it has been a decline with 63 % (Statistiska Centralbyrån & Jordbruksverket, 2011).

Uppföljningsverktyg för analys av användarloggar

In order to understand user behaviour and navigation patterns, user logging is today widely used in analysis and development of user interfaces. These user logs tend to be quite many and can contain a lot of different data. A big issue is how to process and display this data in a perspicuous way to the stakeholder. This study is about how to develop a prototype to handle this issue. It was solved by various methods from human-computer interaction.

Identifiering av samband mellan kravinsamling och kunskap

The stakeholders for requirements elicitation need to be identified at an early stage and their knowledge is the basis for what is to become a requirements specification. Just because a stakeholder holds a lot of expertise and knowledge it does not mean that the stakeholder can communicate the knowledge in a clear way. Validation of knowledge means that knowledge is valued and recognized in a structured way. People and organizations can evolve by exchanging knowledge, experience and skills.  The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of knowledge management between requirement elicitation and external stakeholders.

Missbruk är ingen bra affärsidé ? en studie om strategiskt CSR-arbete i ölbranschen

PURPOSE: To analyze how companies in the Swedish beer industry strategically workingwith CSR externally in order to increase their legitimacy.METHOD: Qualitative interviews and text analysis to enable data to stakeholder analysis.MATERIAL: Respondent interviews with key individuals, textual analysis of CSR-relateddocuments of the largest beer producers in Sweden.MAIN RESULTS: The study shows that it is possible to distinguish three main categories ofstakeholders to the beer producers. These have various high stakeholder values, wherecustomers are those with the highest value, then consumers and third critics. That these havevarious high values allows different strategic approach to the key issue of how preventivemeasures, that can be said to work against their own products, affects the beer producerslegitimacy among stakeholders..

Förebygga ohälsa ? Hur effektiv är lagen som verktyg mot ohälsa?

PURPOSE: To analyze how companies in the Swedish beer industry strategically workingwith CSR externally in order to increase their legitimacy.METHOD: Qualitative interviews and text analysis to enable data to stakeholder analysis.MATERIAL: Respondent interviews with key individuals, textual analysis of CSR-relateddocuments of the largest beer producers in Sweden.MAIN RESULTS: The study shows that it is possible to distinguish three main categories ofstakeholders to the beer producers. These have various high stakeholder values, wherecustomers are those with the highest value, then consumers and third critics. That these havevarious high values allows different strategic approach to the key issue of how preventivemeasures, that can be said to work against their own products, affects the beer producerslegitimacy among stakeholders..

Konsulters påverkansmöjlighet under införandet av ett affärsystem : En utredning av konsulters egenskap att påverka utifrån variablerna legitimitet, angelägenhet och makt

Väl fungerande affärssystem utgör idag en viktig del i företag och organisationers verksamhet. Tyvärr är systemen som regel komplexa varför risken för problem och misslyckanden är uppenbara. Då tillräcklig kunskap och erfarenhet från implementeringsarbeten dessutom ofta saknas i organisationer kontrakteras inte sällan externa konsulter för att bidra med hjälp. Att försöka underlätta ett implementeringsarbete genom att involvera externa konsulter kan dock skapa svårigheter av olika slag t.ex beroende på en komplex relationsbild mellan konsulten i fråga och klientorganisationens ingående aktörer.Denna studie antar en kvalitativ forskningsinriktning där datainsamlingen skett genom ett antal semistrukturerade intervjuer med externa konsulter vars arbete involverar implementering av affärssystem. Studiens syfte är att undersöka vilka möjligheter externa konsulter anser sig ha att påverka implementering beroende på sin positionering i relation till klientorganisationen och dess olika ingående parter.Analysarbetet baseras på Mitchell et al.´s (1997) Stakeholder-teori, där attributen makt/inflytande(P), legitimitet (L) och angelägenhet (U) används för att positionera konsulterna.

Bonusar : Mot ett långsiktigt tänkande

Background: The background explains different financial crises and the effect those crises had on the Swedish acquits regarding variable compensation. The resent discussion regarding variable compensation and the main problems with bonuses is also explained. Our theories for this essay is mainly based on the new directions from Finansinspektionen FFFS 2009:6,7 and stakeholder theory. Other theories used are agency theory, stewardship theory and economic man.Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to analyze the new directions for variable compensation and to investigate if these new directions can lead to a more long-term thinking for managers in banks. Method: We used semi-structured interviews with open questions for our survey.

Paulus tempelmetafor i Första Korinthierbrevet : Var templet i metaforen ett judiskt eller grekisk-romerskt tempel?

This study looks at the uses of the temple metaphor in 1 Cor 3:16-17 and 6:19 inlight of the so-called New Perspective on Paul. The aim of the study is to determine if one's interpretation may be dependent on whether the background material for the temple is taken from the Jewish or Greek-Roman world. The study looks at how the terms temple and holiness were generally understood in those contexts, and if the textual context related to the temple metaphor is dependent on a Jewish or Greek-Roman temple. The results of the study shows that while the terms temple and holiness were more or less equivalent in both contexts, a rhetorical analyze of the textual context of the temple metaphor in 3:16-17 is dependent on Greek-Roman temples, such as those in Corinth..

Ett hållbart Sverige : en studie om företagsegenskaper som påverkar hållbarhetsredovisningar

The purpose of this study are to investigate and describe if companies? sustainability reports differ in substance and quantity between public and Large Cap companies? and if there are any differences between industries. This study will also analyze if companies? size, stakeholder group or profitability have some impact on the companies? sustainability report. The study includes all Swedish public companies and the Large Cap companies.To investigate in line of the purpose this study will measure both the substance and quantity.


The purpose of this thesis is to define and theorise willingness-to-support as a possible measurement of corporate reputation. The knowledge production in this thesis is done through reasoning with companies to gain a deeper understanding of the social world and the respondents? view of their reality. Grounded theory is used as an inspiration for conducting the research. A qualitative method is used in the form of semi-structured interviews with six companies in three different business sectors.

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